Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to Life!

I remember how often I tell my brilliant student, Muhanned, to be more optimistic, as he always writes about the dark side of life in Sudan. Lately, I found myself turning to another Munhanned, but the only difference is that I have never dared to put what's inside my mind into a blog post!
The death of a dear friend and a neighbor on the Sudan airways flight lead to a slow down, really slow down in all my life streams.
Back with this photos.It tells a lot and does NOT tell a lot more!!!
This is what is written on it:
"The photo is a Pulitzer winning prize taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine.The vulture is waiting for the boy to die so as it can it him.The picture was a shock to the whole world.No none knows what happened to the child even the photographer, Kevin Carter, who left the place as soon the photo was taken.Three months later, he committed suicide due to depression.

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