Thursday, November 15, 2007

Crossing Continents: Web 2.0 for Teacher Professioanl Development

OK, I am leaving to e-learning conference, Nigeria on Sunday 18th!Because everyone is against the idea, even the people at the Embassy:-)(dangerous Nigeria!), it will be a two-fold trip: an adventure and a presentation. Everything is set, in here, but I hope we could webcasted it at Alado. Unfortunately ,I can not decide this until I reach there and make sure all equipments are suitable and could do the job.


Anonymous said...

Keep us posted brave Hala!
Everything will be fine and you will do great.
Motivate the Nigerian with your enthusiasm and let them get impressed with what the web 2.0 has to offer!

Hala said...

Thanks Cris.I will for sure reflect about it!
Hope everything will go smoothly!