Saturday, May 12, 2007

Thoughts:British Council Forum

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Today,it was the monthly English Forum at the British Council Sudan.The purpose of this post is; my discovery, for my surprise, is that; when I hear myself talking/expressing/discussing/suggesting ,guess what? I am amazed!!!Am obsessed by all these ideas???
I suggested, one day, to Jenny our ELU, that we could meet twice a month, do a presentation about using ICT in ELT,or maybe for TPD,a workshop maybe as a hands-on practice for integrating web tools into our classrooms.How about smashing the nutshell:towards becoming a web.2.o English language teachers".It came up into my mind when I was asked about future suggestions is to create a yahoo group for teachers in the whole of the Sudan:"crossing state:ELTSudan.After I defended my idea,I just fell in love with it!Anyway, I was nominated to join ,after December voting,the steering committee in the Forum.I also put a date to my presentation/workshop/session in March,in shaa Allah!

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